• Question: What single technical skill or ability is your best asset?

    Asked by Precious_Adeyemi to Caoimhe, Colin, David, Katie, Lisa on 9 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Colin Keogh

      Colin Keogh answered on 9 Nov 2014:

      In my case its my problem solving ability. I can look at a problem, break down all the things that may be causing the problem, improve 1 (or all of them) and ultimately solve that problem. Having a logical mind, such as breaking down problem step by step, is a great asset to have as an engineer.

    • Photo: David Taylor

      David Taylor answered on 9 Nov 2014:

      Well, this is not actually a technical skill…but I think the best asset is the ability to admit when you don’t know the answer. I am always asking other people for help with my engineering problems: my colleagues at work, friends…even my wife who is not an engineer at all.
      Sometimes other people give you the answer…but more often just talking about the problem to someone else helps you to sort it out for yourself.

    • Photo: Katie Mahon

      Katie Mahon answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      I have to agree with David on this one! Just having the ability to say “I don’t understand” or “I don’t know” or even to admit when you have made a mistake is an important part of being an engineer. This is sometimes not an easy task, we like to think we know it all 🙂
      But being honest with yourself & with others helps you learn more and improve. You can always ask the people around you for help, and you should always be willing to help others. By learning more yourself and by helping others, you will become a better engineer.
