• Question: what project are you working on at this moment

    Asked by 652kvna45 to Caoimhe, Colin, David, Katie, Lisa on 14 Nov 2014. This question was also asked by 635kvna45.
    • Photo: David Taylor

      David Taylor answered on 14 Nov 2014:

      I’m working on about six different research projects. For example today I was talking with some people in my team about a project we are doing to monitor bees. We stick little sensors on their heads (they don’t mind!). We are trying to find out where they go and how they find flowers etc.

    • Photo: Katie Mahon

      Katie Mahon answered on 15 Nov 2014:

      Lots and lots of projects, all designing pressure vessels. Some are just starting, some are designs being agreed with our client, some are being built in the workshop, and some are finished and we’re just getting all the paperwork right!

    • Photo: Colin Keogh

      Colin Keogh answered on 18 Nov 2014:

      At the minute im working on using 3D printing to build prosthetic hands and legs, and implantable medical devices. Im also developing a wood processing technology to improve the quality and performance of wood for energy, which im forming a company around right now.

      Im also advising the EU on how build proper laws & rules around the use of bio-energy.

      And working an algae growth system i am developing over the last year or so, but its a long way off being finished yet.

    • Photo: Caoimhe O'Neill

      Caoimhe O'Neill answered on 21 Nov 2014:

      I’m working on the classification of Irish timber so that we know what values to use when designing structures.
