• Question: What the best project you have worked on and why is it your favourite

    Asked by Rachel F to David, Colin on 11 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: David Taylor

      David Taylor answered on 11 Nov 2014:

      I get a lot of fun out of most of the projects I work on.
      One thing that’s been really interesting is that I’ve been doing research on bones. As you know, bones can get broken but they can also repair themselves, and actually they are repairing themselves all the time, to keep your bones strong. But sometimes it goes wrong and you might get a stress fracture: older people often get osteoporosis which is brittle bone disease.
      I’ve found out some new things about how bones are able to repair themselves. It’s been a lot of fun because I had to learn new things – about biology and medicine – and work together with doctors and surgeons.

    • Photo: Colin Keogh

      Colin Keogh answered on 11 Nov 2014:

      I enjoy all my projects, some are really advanced technologies (like nano scale injection molding), some have great teams (most of the maker events i attended) and some help influence the future of countries (EU policy advice).

      3D printing, while still a new project for me, is quickly becoming one of my favorite areas. I really like the idea that with a printer that fits on my desk, i can make absolutely anything i can think up in a few hours for a few euros. It can really change manufacturing, designing and allow people with no skills/power/facilities to make things wherever they are. It will change the world someday soon.
